Hope Lutheran Church of Friendswood TX
What to Expect
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Hope Lutheran Church is a community of sinners redeemed through the cross of Jesus Christ. Hope’s mission is to “Share God's Word of Hope with all people.” And you are a part of that mission! We invite you to come and experience what Hope Lutheran Church is all about.




What do you offer on Sunday Morning? 

Worship Service at 9 AM - For Directions, Go here


After worship, we gather in the Great Room (2nd floor of our Center for Faith Development) for a time of fellowship with coffee, donuts, and conversation.

At 10:45am, the children, Confirmation Students, the Youth and Adults gather for their Sunday School and Bible classes.



What do I wear?

Suits and dresses, business casual, shorts and t-shirts – you will see a wide variety of clothing on a wide variety of people of all ages.


What about my children?


Children are most welcome in worship. Nearly every service will have a children’s message – a special time for them to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.


7.14.24 childrens sermon



A nursery for children is available for birth through 3 years old.  We also have the worship live stream showing in our Center for Faith Development if you have a child that needs a break from the Sanctuary. However, we encourage families to worship together.


Children are important to us at Hope and there are many opportunities for them to participate, learn, and serve. See our Children’s page for more information.


What is worship at Hope like?

The Word of God is central to our worship – we hear it, speak it, and sing it. Jesus Christ is central to our worship. We preach Christ crucified and risen from the dead (1 Corinthians 1:22-24). Our worship is even called “Divine Service” because God comes to us and serves us when we gather in worship. God serves us and is present with us as speaks to us through His Word and Sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper.)  And we respond with praise, prayer, and thanksgiving.


Worship at Hope is liturgical – using traditional orders of worship as handed down over the centuries of Christianity and Lutheranism. We use hymnals in worship to follow and participate in the liturgy and to sing praise to God.


Music is part of our identity as Lutherans and as Hope Lutheran Church. We sing the best hymns and songs from across the 20 centuries of Christianity. The song of the church is supported by organ, choirs, hand bells and orchestra.


What do you believe?

We believe in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as it is written in the Holy Scriptures and in the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. These creeds are summaries of the Christian faith as believed by Biblical Christians since the earliest days of Christianity.  We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God as our Lord and Savior – who willingly took on our humanity in order to die for the sins of the whole world and rise from the dead. Those who believe in him will no longer perish, but will rise from the dead – body and soul - to enjoy eternal life with him.


sanctuary 8.09.20


As Lutherans, the people of Hope believe that we have been saved by the grace of God alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. We confess our faith as written in the Holy Scriptures and as explained in the Lutheran Confessions.


As a member church of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, we are in fellowship and work together with over 6,000 other LC-MS congregation and dozens of Lutheran church bodies around the globe who share a common confession of faith. For more information on the LC-MS, and who Jesus is, go to lcms.org or contact us – we would be glad to talk!


How do I join as a member?

Periodically, there will be a new member class for those who wish to join Hope as a member. 

Sunday Schedule

9:00 am - Worship/Communion
10:45-11:45 am - Education Hour




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CONTACT INFO   Address: 1804. S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546   |  Phone: 281-482-7943  |   Contact Us Here      
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