Hope Lutheran Church of Friendswood TX
Faith Builders (For Parents)
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Parents are the primary faith nurturers for their children. They are "Faith Builders" for them as they lead their children by example and teach their children about their relationship with Jesus Christ - a relationship that began in Holy Baptism. Hope Lutheran Church helps parents by providing knowledge, resources, and support when children reach seven "milestones" in their lives. It is the goal of the Faith Builders program to assist parents to be "Faith Builders" in their own environment and with their own talents as they fulfill their Baptismal promises.


The Seven Building Blocks: 
  • I. Welcome to the World (Birth/Baptism)
  • II. Welcome to the Walk (Begin Sunday School – age 3)
  • III. Welcome to the Wonders of God (Begin Kindergarten)
  • IV. Welcome to the Word (Bible Distribution – 2nd Grade)
  • V. Welcome to the Wisdom (Begin Confirmation – 6th Grade)
  • VI.Welcome to Your Walk (Confirmation)
  • VII. Welcome to the Way (High School Graduation)

Faith Builders "events" take place at various time throughout the year.  See our calendar of events for details.

Sunday Schedule

9:00 am - Worship/Communion
10:45-11:45 am - Education Hour




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CONTACT INFO   Address: 1804. S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546   |  Phone: 281-482-7943  |   Contact Us Here      
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