Hope Lutheran Church of Friendswood TX
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Stephen Ministry

stephen.jpgWhat is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry is an extension of our congregation's care ministry. What is a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister is foremost a Christian. A Stephen Minister is a caring, loving person who is trained to listen, to encourage, and to offer hope. A Stephen Minister knows how to pray with and for the hurting person. A Stephen Minister can help direct a person in crisis to other resources. A Stephen Minister holds his/her care giving relationship in confidence.


Who can benefit from the Stephen Ministry?

People who are hospitalized, the terminally ill, those mourning the death of a loved one, persons who are separated or in the process of divorce, the lonely or depressed, individuals who have lost their jobs, individuals in spiritual crisis, and many other "crisis" events and situations in life.


A Stephen Minister is a Care Giver - not a Cure Giver. For more information on our Stephen Ministry program, please contact Cindy Jorgenson or James Prince. For more information on Stephen Ministry in general visit: www.stephenministries.org


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the Chancel for worship and maintains its furnishings. This includes vesting the Altar, preparing Sacred vessels and linens for communion and post-communion cleanup, installation, design and development of paraments and banners, assisting the pastors with special services, care of vestments and sacramental linens, and coordination of flowers for major festivals.


Members of Altar Guild are on a once a month rotation.


Men, women, and youth serve in the guild. The chairperson is Miria Castille. She can be contacted at .



Ushers assist members’ participation in the service by helping to maintain a comfortable and orderly environment for worship.


The ushering groups generally serve for the same service, once each month.


While ushers assist the congregation during services, they are also participants in portions of the service. Usher teams consisting of 4-5 members meet sufficiently early before each worship service to determine specific task assignments, which include: distribution of service bulletins, distribution of attendance cards, distribution of children’s bulletins, record attendance numbers, collect the offering assist the members as they participate in the Sacrament of the Altar, and clear used bulletins after the worship service.


In addition to providing an essential service during the worship time, usher teams are given an excellent opportunity to meet members.


If you have any questions or are interested in serving as an Usher, please contact Steve Scheer.


Hope Quilting Circle

Hope’s Quilting Circle provides visible symbols of God’s love for His people by making warm quilts by hand and providing them to those in need. There are areas of profound need all around the world via Lutheran World Relief. Quilts are also provided to children at the Krause Children’s Treatment Center, a Lutheran Social Services of the South facility, who treasure them as a precious gift that represents an important personal possession. These quilts are also hand made and given to our congregation’s high school graduates as a symbol of Hope’s love and support. The “Knotty Ladies” hand made 120+ quilts last year!


They meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9:00am – 12:00pm to assemble and tack the quilts and the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 9:00am – 12:00pm to bind the quilts.


If you are interested in finding out more information about Hope’s Quilting Circle, please contact Wendy Hunter.


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels Ministry delivers hot, nutritious meals to elderly and disabled persons in the Friendswood area. Volunteers deliver meals to each person’s home for one week, Monday through Friday, during an eight-week period rotation.


The entire process only takes at the most 2 hours.


This service not only provides nutritious meals, but also human contact, conversation, and the reassurance to family members knowing that someone is checking in on their loved one in case of needed help.


If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Michele Albrecht.



Hope’s Braille Ministry is a group of volunteers who meet twice a month at the Work Center at Peace Lutheran Church in Texas City to print and assemble Braille books that consist of 1st and 2nd Corinthians. This ministry provides the message of salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, to the blind and visually impaired in the United States and all over the world Currently, there are 2 groups that meet to assemble the Braille Bibles:


The Daytime Group meets at Peace Lutheran on the first Monday of the month from 9:30am to 1:30pm.


The Evening Group gathers for carpooling on the 4th Monday of month at Hope from 6:00 pm to 8:15pm

Church Extension Fund

The Texas District Church Extension Fund (CEF) provides Texas District Lutherans with the opportunity to make investments which help to fund the mission of the Church.  Since 1888, CEF has provided consultation and low cost loans for Texas congregations to build and expand.  


If you wish to make investments that help finance the building of God's Kingdom, contact Debbie Schkade or visit their website.

Sunday Schedule

9:00 am - Worship/Communion
10:45-11:45 am - Education Hour




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CONTACT INFO   Address: 1804. S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546   |  Phone: 281-482-7943  |   Contact Us Here      
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