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Every student should be able to feed themselves spiritually. They should understand the importance of worship (where God promises to be), the embrace of God's love through Scripture, and the accountability of the promises made at baptism and confirmation. Every student should develop enough spiritual confidence to enable them to stand for their convictions in the face of opposition. Every student should be committed to and involved in the work of God in the world. They should demonstrate this in life, being an active part of the community beyond the walls of Hope Lutheran Church. Every student should have God honoring relationships with their families and friends, and one another. These are ideal values we pray for our youth.
The task of Youth Ministry at Hope is not to create these but to come alongside families to support, equip and enable them as they strive to pass on these values to their children. We work to do this through Bible studies for youth, fellowship and servant opportunities for individuals, groups and families, interactive support groups and studies for parents and caring relationships with a variety of volunteers who extend the unconditional love of Christ to our young people. Friends are ALWAYS welcome!!
Every student should be able to feed themselves spiritually. They should understand the importance of worship (where God promises to be), the embrace of God's love through Scripture, and the accountability of the promises made at baptism and confirmation. Every student should develop enough spiritual confidence to enable them to stand for their convictions in the face of opposition. Every student should be committed to and involved in the work of God in the world. They should demonstrate this in life, being an active part of the community beyond the walls of Hope Lutheran Church. Every student should have God honoring relationships with their families and friends, and one another. These are ideal values we pray for our youth.
The task of Youth Ministry at Hope is not to create these but to come alongside families to support, equip and enable them as they strive to pass on these values to their children. We work to do this through Bible studies for youth, fellowship and servant opportunities for individuals, groups and families, interactive support groups and studies for parents and caring relationships with a variety of volunteers who extend the unconditional love of Christ to our young people. Friends are ALWAYS welcome!!
Does your child know the Scriptures?
Confirmation: Our Baptism Covenant in Action. The purpose of our program is to provide instruction and experiences for our children to enable them to take on the responsibility of their faith development, as begun in the promises made at their baptisms. We want our children to grow in an understanding of their relationship with Christ, and to begin to see their place in the body of Christ, the Church. At the end of their confirmation journey, students will be able to make a public personal confession of their faith and take personal ownership in declaring, through the power of the Holy Spirit, their faith in Jesus Christ.
Confirmation classes meet during the Sunday School hour (10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.) every Sunday during the school year.
Confirmation Sunday is celebrated in conjunction with Pentecost Sunday every year. Our program is an intensive 3-year program that typically begins in 6th grade. Level 1 Confirmation is a more thorough study of the Old Testament. Level 2 Confirmation is a more thorough study of the New Testament and Level 3 is a study of the Catechism and Lutheran Confessions. For more information about our Confirmation program, please feel free to contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Robin Groeper.
Fellowship and fun events take place on a monthly basis. Typical events include service projects, mystery events, scavenger hunt, RevolveTour, Spring Retreat, District and National Gatherings. Bible Study is a primary gathering point on Sunday mornings in the youth room-- come early (around 9:30) for random surprise breakfast options and time to catch up and get to know each other.
Our study "officially" begins at 10:45 and concludes at 11:45.
Mission Trips: We strive to visit new places and take on new challenges each summer with the exception of National Youth Gathering years (every three years). We also take on several local opportunities as they arise or move the group to do so.
For more information on our youth / student activities, please contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Robin Groeper.
9:00 am - Worship/Communion
10:45-11:45 am - Education Hour