Hope Lutheran Church of Friendswood TX
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The mission statement of the Ladies Guild of Hope Lutheran Church is succinctly stated in the words mission and service. While Christian growth is emphasized through Bible study and prayer, we focus on projects that serve God’s Church here at Hope and throughout the world.


The ladies of our LWML society are members of the Gulf Coast Zone of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the Texas District, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.


Current projects include: providing quilts to Lutheran World Relief and graduating seniors via our “Knotty Ladies” in our Quilting Ministry; raising funds for the LWML’s support missionary activities via our Mite Box program; printing of Braille and large print materials for the vision impaired; supporting the Bible Translator program, and other projects.


All ladies are invited to become members of our Ladies Guild and help us find new ways to serve our Lord in projects related to mission worth and service to His Church.


Ladies Guild regularly meets on the second Sunday of the month at 12:00 pm.   


Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study provides the women of Hope an opportunity to come together for in-depth discussions of the Bible that are particularly relevant to and significant to women. Although our roles as women vary at different times of our lives, we rely upon God’s Word to guide us in all endeavors. Studying God’s Word, sharing our thoughts and insights, and encouraging one another are all components of this class. Classes may focus on various topics including prayer, spiritual growth, and Christian service; topics change throughout the year.


Classes are open to women of all ages. It is a great way to become acquainted with some of the women of Hope as well as grow in your faith.

Sunday Schedule

9:00 am - Worship/Communion
10:45-11:45 am - Education Hour




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CONTACT INFO   Address: 1804. S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546   |  Phone: 281-482-7943  |   Contact Us Here      
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